Photoshop Old Oil Painting Photo Manipulation Techniques with Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Old Oil Painting Photo Manipulation Techniques with Photoshop Tutorial

Click to enlarge the image
Used images:
Open painting image, adjust resolution - 72px/inch and width - 3000px. You may choose different size, but some tutorial settings are depends of image size. 
  Add bottom space, go to Image > Canvas Size
  •  Create a new layer below the painting layer (place all new layers for underwater part below the original painting).
  • Draw the large rectangular, it should cover all empty space below the painting.
  • Add gradient to created bottom part
Add relief to the bottom edge with Eraser Tool
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools
 Create a new rectangular above gradient layer and fill it with stones pattern..
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools 

Add layer mask to the stoned layer. Make Layer Mask active and erase central part to create under ice water space with the soil left and right sides
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools
Add Gradient Overlay effect to this layer.
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools  

Use settings from screen shot below:
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools 
Add a new layer above stones, apply soil pattern to it
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools
Erase all area marked with red shade. Leave only top part of underground. 
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools 
Use translucent, ragged(textured) brush to create smooth edge between stones and soil
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools 
Return to the stones layer. Duplicate it. Make active bottom stones layer and remove layer mask from this layer.
The central area should be covered with stones again.
Merge bottom stones patterned layer with the new empty layer.
Keep stoned layer active, click Quick Mask Mode . Fill all layer with black color, you should have red shade .Then choose white round soft brush and process the selected area just like on the image below.
Release Quick Mask, you should get pretty similar selection
 Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools
Go to Filter > Blur > Lens Blur, add following settings
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools
Add Layer Mask to bottom stones patterned layer to erase central part and leave small area next to the original stones layer. Use soft brush to create smooth contour.
Also apply Opacity 75 % to this layer. 
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools
Create a new layer above stones and brown soil. Fill it with the ice texture
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools

Apply Screen Blending Mode to this layer, adjust Opacity around 70%.
Add "Levels" adjustment layer (click icon the bottom part of layers palette and choose "Levels" to add adjustment layer). 
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools
Use Levels setting from screen shot below
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools
Add Layer Mask to the Ice layer and erase red marked area, use large soft and textured brush (you may choose preset Adobe Brushes such as "Chalk", "Spatter", "Texture 1, 2, 3.." or others) 
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools
You should get something like this
Fake fisheye effect  and HDR toning with Photoshop tools

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Photoshop Old Oil Painting Photo Manipulation Techniques with Photoshop Tutorial Photoshop Old Oil Painting Photo Manipulation Techniques with Photoshop Tutorial Reviewed by software on 5:29 AM Rating: 5

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