Photoshop Tutorial:Create a Stunning Showcase-Style Brochure
1.The first move is to create a good document for
brochure printing in Photoshop. Now, there are several types of standard
dimensions that you can use. In this guide though, we will use a
landscape oriented letter-sized document setup so that even amateurs can
print your design using a standard sized printer and letter paper if
need be. Of course, if you have a professional brochure printer in mind,
then it is best to use their dimensions. For the basic dimensions
though, here are the settings you should put when you create a new
a. Width: 11 inches
b. Height: 8.5 inches
c. Resolution: 300ppi
d. Color Mode: CMYK (check with your printer though)
2.We will now add some guidelines. First we will add
some margins. Bring up the rulers by pressing CTRL+R. Then from those
rulers, click and drag some guidelines into place. Insert in guidelines
(1/4)0.25 inches from the edge of the document. Also it would be good as
a preparatory step to also place guidelines at the exact edge of the
document (this will be useful later). Once done, you should have
something like this:
3.Next, we shall divide the paper into 3 equal parts.
Notice of course that dividing 11 by 3 results in an irregular number.
So it is hard to be specific about it with the division guidelines when
you do it manually. To easily do this, we will use some rectangles and
scaling. First, use the rectangle shape tool and just create a rectangle
that spans the height of the document. The color does not matter.
4.Press CTRL+J once to duplicate the original
rectangle. Use the move tool (shortcut V) to place it beside the main
rectangle. Change its color. Afterwards, repeat the process again to get
a final tally of 3 rectangles of different colors. In our example, we
used different shades of gray.
5.Select all the rectangles by holding the CTRL key and
then clicking on all of them in the layers panel. Then, press CTRL+T to
enable transformations. Afterwards, click and drag the right side
anchor box and drag it to the right. This will give us equally spaced
rectangles on the document.
6.Now, click and drag guidelines to match the divisions
of the rectangles. Then (if you want), also add security margins that
are (1/4)0.25 inches from these division guidelines. This allows us to
get the basic guideline setup for a trifold brochure. Once setup, delete
the rectangles that we created as they are not part of our design
7.Now, we setup the background. Use the gradient color
tool to apply a linear gradient across the whole background. Drag it
vertically to get a top to bottom gradient. Make it so that the lighter
color is on top. Remember that you can set the color combination of the
gradient by clicking on the gradient color box on the options bar once
the gradient tool is activated. Just set it to two related colors of
8.Next, we create a new layer by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+N.
For this example, we name it “Clouds”. Then, make sure you setup your
foreground and background colors to the gradient colors you setup
earlier. You can set this up by clicking on the foreground and
background color boxes below the tools panel. Once the color is
correctly setup, go to Filter -> Render -> Clouds.
9.You should then see clouds rendered in the colors you
set. Press CTRL+T to transform this layer and shift it so that the
clouds only appear on top of our background. Once it is setup at the
top, press enter to apply the transformation.
10.Then use a large and soft eraser brush to smoothly
erase the bottom part of our cloud layer. This lets it integrate better
with the original background. Once, done save our document.
11.Great! We are now ready to add the content elements
unto our design. Our first move is to place in our feature showcase
image. This will be your product or service. In our example, we are
going to use a cake image from morguefile here: Before we paste in the
image though of course, we remove its background. Using the magic wand
tool, we select the black background. Then, we press CTRL+SHIFT+I to
invert the background selection to the cake.
12.Now, we copy-paste the image unto our brochure
design. We scale it properly to size by pressing CTRL+T and then holding
the SHIFT key as one drags the anchor points for resizing. We place it a
little bit off-center. Technically, you should not be placing images on
the fold markers and guidelines. However this is a showcase type
design, meaning it is meant to be viewed as a whole open brochure, so it
is okay to do this kind of positioning.
13.Next, to make it look like a feature, we duplicate
our cake two more times by pressing CTRL+J twice. Of course you can get
other product images to accompany the main image. If this is what you
want, then you can copy-paste and scale in those images. Whatever the
case, for our example, we use the duplicates representing more of our
product. We then scale them to be a bit smaller since they are behind
our main image.
14.Next, we will add some shadows. For this, we create a
new layer by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+N. We name this layer “Shadows”. Then
we hold the CTRL key and then click on the main cake image. This will
select its area. With the new layer selected, fill this area with a dark
theme color. NOTE that the active layer must still be the new layer
while the selection comes from the main cake layer. Once we turn off the
visibility of the main cake layer, it should look like this.
15.We then erase the top part using the eraser tool.
16.Then, press CTRL+D to deselect your selection. Go to
Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur. In the Gaussian blur options,
use a 20 pixel value then press OK. This should make a blurry area for
the bottom of our cake.
17.Once you enable the visibility of the cake back up,
you should see the shadow effect appear. It is subtle but it adds more
to its detail.
18.We then just apply the effect to the other images.
19.Next, we create another layer just above the
background layer (CTRL+SHIFT+N). We name this layer “Floor”. Then, we
use the rectangular marquee tool to select the bottom half area of the
brochure design. We use the gradient tool with the black to white color
gradient setting and inscribe the gradient unto the selection. The black
part must appear at the middle as it seamlessly goes to white towards
the bottom.
20.We then change the blend mode of the layer to
“Overlay”. We also reduce the opacity to 30-35%. This gives us a kind of
floor area on the bottom of the brochure.
21.Great! Now if you are sure about the position of
your images and the shadows, it is best to merge them all into one
already so that you can adjust its position easily. In this example, we
merge all the 3 cake “layers” as well as the shadows into one main
layer. Do this easily by CTRL clicking on all the said layers. Right
click on them and select the option “merge layers”.
22.Now, using the rectangle shape tool, we create a
text box for the content of our brochure on the right most panel. We
color this a dark theme color.
23.Then, we use the custom shape tool to add border
ornaments to the top and bottom areas of the text box. Now, remember
that this all depends on your content. Since we are “selling” classy
cakes in this example we are using the ornaments. However the text box
can have any kind of design addition you need. Take note that we have
removed the guidelines for now to make you see the design better.
24.Then, using the same techniques as before we
duplicate the ornament several times in a new layer. We use the
ornaments in a chain to paint a border on the top and at the bottom of
the brochure design. We change the blend mode to soft light and the
opacity ot 60%.
25.Then, we just type in our content using the text
tool. In our example we used some nice script text for the headlines,
and plain sans serif type fonts for the details. We of course used a
lighter color for the text to make them stand out. Take note that we
have brought the guidelines back up by pressing CTRL+H. As much as
possible have all the text within the margins of the guidelines. Here,
only the headline trespasses the guidelines just like the feature image.
This is okay as we plan on creating the showcase type design.
26.That finishes our inner panels design. Without the
guidelines, it should look like the image below. Save it as your main
27.Then, we just re-arrange the elements to create our
front design as well. It is just a matter of duplicating and
repositioning some of our elements to create the outer part of our
brochure. Keep in mind that the rightmost side is the brochure cover and
the center is the back cover. So position your images and text content
Congratulations! That finishes our showcase style brochure! Hopefully you have learned something from our design tutorial.
Photoshop Tutorial:Create a Stunning Showcase-Style Brochure
Reviewed by software
4:17 AM
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